Step One: A little while before Step Two: arrive
at this Step Three: ...throw the barrel
the continue barrel, you will
part of the level. Without
at the wall to the right. It will
see a barrel with green lines
hitting the Zingers with the
open up a hidden bonus area,
around it. Pick it up so that
barrel, fall down to the
which you can now enter!
you're holding it like Diddy in ground
below. Once you
in the picture. Then, travel to have
done that...
the right without hitting any
Kremlings with the barrel until...
Second Bonus Room
Do you have Winky the frog right now?
I've got Winky
I don't have Winky

Step One: When you arrive here ( a long
Step Two: ...jump into the blast barrel
way from the continue barrel )...
using Winky.
Next Level

Step One: When you arrive at Step Two: arrive here. Step Three: ...jump up
off the
this scene ( a long way past the
Push the tire onto the moving tire into the
blast barrel.
continue barrel ), push the tire to platform
that crosses the pit.
the right until...
Once you've done that...
Next Level