Step One: As soon as you
Step Two: ...jump on him and Step Three: Pick up the
enter the level, go to the right bounce
off of him onto the beside
you and throw it at the
until you see the first blue
rope. As soon as you get to wall. You
now have access to
Kremling. Get him to follow
the top of the rope, jump left. the bonus room!
to the rope at the beginning,
Second Bonus Room

Step One: Just after the 'K', you will arrive
Step Two: ...jump on the rope and let it
here. When you do get here...
carry you down.
Step Three: Halfway down, you will see a
Step Four: Once you get down, throw the
small area with a barrel in it to your right.
barrel at the wall to your left to reveal
Jump right off the rope into the area. Pick
your next bonus room.
up the barrel and fall down without hitting
a Zinger with the barrel.
Third Bonus Room
Step One: At the first cliff
Step Two: However, when Step Three: Now just
sit back
after the continue barrel,
you are here, don't jump right and relax as the rope takes
jump on the ropes and
as usual. Instead, go up the to the last
bonus room!
make your way to the right.
rope a little bit and jump left.
Next Level