Step One: At the end of the first moving
Step Two: get to the first bonus room
platform of the level, roll jump to the right
of the level!
under the stairs...
Second Bonus Room

Step One: After the continue
Step Two: ...bounce off of the Step Three: Roll jump
to the
barrel, you will arrive here. As
beaver that will walk off the right
to get to the blast barrel.
soon as you do...
platform to get to the top.
Third Bonus Room

Step One: At the red arrow sign Step Two: ...reach Manky.
Step Three: You'll land on a
before the exit, go to the right
In between barrels that he'll platform
where you will find a
until you...
throw, roll into him and go
Winky icon and the last blast
off the edge of the platform. barrel
of the level.
Next Level