Step One: Right after the 'K',
Step Two: ...jump out of the Step Three:
When you get to a
you'll arrive here. When you
mine cart onto the rope. After part of the tracks where
do get here...
this jump to the right into the are
no bananas, jump up to get
mine cart.
into the blast barrel.
Second Bonus Room

Step One: After you get the letter 'N', jump
Step Two: ...the tire. From there, bounce
out of the cart onto...
off the tire into the blast barrel.
Third Bonus Room

Step One: You will arrive here Step Two:
...jump out of the Step Three:
arrive here.
just before the finish. Just as
mine cart to the left. You'll
Bounce off of the tire into the
you are about to fall off the
land on a tire. Jump up and
last blast barrel of the level.
left onto each tire until...
Next Level