Step One: You'll arrive here just past the
Step Two: When the barrel opens up the
continue barrel. When you do, pick up the
wall, you can now access the first bonus
barrel (the one behind DK) and throw it at
room of the level!
the right wall. Don't worry if it hits Krusha,
the barrel will continue rolling.
Second Bonus Room

Step One: Just before the end of Step Two: After the
room with Step Three: When you get to
the level, you will arrive here.
the 'G', you'll reappear here. the
first wall on your right
Jump up onto the ledge above
Pick up the TNT barrel and after getting
the TNT barrel,
Diddy and walk to the right into jump
down. Avoid hitting any throw the TNT barrel at
an area containing the 'G'. If
Kremlings with it.
wall to gain access to the last
you hit a tire, you will not die,
bonus room of the level!
so don't spend your time trying
to get through successfully if
you can't.
Next Level