Step One: Just after the 'K', you Step Two: ...roll the
tire down Step Three: ...roll the tire to the
will arrive here. Jump up onto
onto the ground. After that... the right
and stop the tire under
the platform, then jump onto
the three bananas. Bounce off
Necky (make sure he is not
of the tire into an off-screen
throwing any nuts) to kill him.
blast barrel.
Second Bonus Room
Step One: After you come out Step Two: ...keep on going...
Step Three: ...until you arrive
of the first bonus room, you'll
here. Switch to Diddy, and
land here. You don't have to
jump into the barrel. Then,
use the barrel in front of you, so
blast onto the Necky and...
just go on through the level...
Step Four: ...bounce to the
Step Five: ...the patch of grass. Step Six: Throw the barrel
right off each Necky. Then,
Hitting the patch of grass will the
wall to reveal the bonus
when you've bounced off the reveal
a barrel.
room entrance!
last Necky, bounce off of the
Mini-Necky (on the right side
of the above picture) to the
right onto...
Third Bonus Room

Step One: When you arrive here...
Step Two: ...jump up onto the ledge. Stay
as close to the wall as possible, so that the
nuts that Necky throws won't hit you.
When he's finished throwing the nuts, kill
him, then...
Step Three: ...jump off of the top ledge
Step Four: ...jump onto the ledge. Throw
onto the patch of grass. It will reveal a
the barrel at the wall to gain access to the
barrel for you to pick up. Pick it up and...
bonus room!
Next Level